Jodi “Jules” Wilson

Global Licensed Instructor for ((BOUNCE)) BOUNCEFITBODY LTD

After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, having an active lifestyle became difficult for me. It was rare I found myself excited to go to the gym because I was in a constant state of pain.

When I came across ((BOUNCE)) I was overjoyed to have a FUN, low-impact, detoxifying, high-intensity routine that became my “happy place”. Music speaks to my Soul & my Mood. Combining both music & rebounding on a mini trampoline awakened something inside me.

((BOUNCE)) gave me the opportunity to truly love my workout and in the process learn to love myself. It renews my energy, gives me power, and at the end of the day it’s my therapy both physically and mentally. For those reasons and the scientific research behind rebounding, I was inspired to become an instructor.

Everyone has a strength inside them they often don’t recognize. It’s my mission to show people their gifts allowing them to reveal the best version of themselves. My favorite quote “You do You, Boo” is actually why I named my business “Do You Bounce”. As women, there is a ton of pressure to look a certain way or be a certain size or shape or reflect a certain number on the scale. I say throw all those conditions away and just DO YOU! I have stretch marks, cellulite, and curves, will never be a size zero and I am ok with it! That is what I want people to know when they step into the studio.

((BOUNCE)) is for all ages and abilities. Come to a place that is a no-judgment zone, filled with positivity, where your individual qualities are embraced, and leave class with a strong affirmation to show yourself a little more love, a little more kindness, and a little more faith.