Featuring Holistic Wellness Sessions

Enjoy a customized class specific to your needs or bring a few of your friends!

Kundalini Reiki Attunement

w/Keri Vammer

All Kundalini Reiki Attunements include a 90 minute Aura Cleansing session and the 25 minute attunement.

The Level 1 Kundalini Reiki attunement will open and widen your crown, heart and hand chakras which is the pathway Reiki Flows to help you heal yourself and others.
The Level 2 Kundalini Reiki attunement will clear the final blockage in the root (base) base chakra which is where our Kundalini energy lies dormant until we start to spiritual awaken. If you haven’t started to awaken, this will kick start that process.  If you have already started to awaken, this will amplify that process. This attunement will widen your third eye chakra and strengthen your first attunement. Your Kundalini will rise into your solar plexus chakra to prepare you for your third attunement.
The Level 3 Kundalini Reiki attunement will fully and safely activate the Kundalini Life Force in your body.  The attunement will widen your throat, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras to awaken your spirit, reminding you why you are here and grounding you to your life’s purpose.
Please refer to the Aura Cleansing Reiki description above.


1 session $235
3 Sessions Paid in Advance $500

*Attunements are 2 hours and offered in studio and distantly

Benefits of Getting Kundalini Reiki Attuned

  • Raises your vibration
  • Stress relief
  • Removes blocks
  • Attracts abundance in all forms
  • Better relationship with self and others
  • Better health
  • Clearer vision of your life journey
  • Clearer intuition and spiritual connection
  • Positive outlook
  • Another tool in your toolbox of life
  • Combines the universal and earthly energies for stronger energy healings

About The Studio

The Studio is a community of hope and healing; coming together so we can build better habits personally and as a team. We believe in mindfulness and movement and want to share our practices with the community; uplifting one another on our journey. Together we have found home inside our mind, bodies and souls; creating a safe space internally and externally. Come visit our beautiful space inside Wellness Rediscovered.